Din il-litanija ta’ San Sebastjan hija mehuda mil-ktieb tat-talb tas-sorijiet ta’ Notre Dame.
- Mulej ħniena!
- Kristu ħniena!
- Mulej ħniena!
- Kristu ismagħna!
- Missier Alla li qiegħed fis-sema, ħenn għalina!
- Iben Alla li fdejt id-dinja, ħenn għalina!
- Spirtu Qaddis Alla, ħenn għalina!
- Trinita’ Mqaddsa Alla wieħed, ħenn għalina!
- Qaddisa Marija, Sultana tal-Martri, itlob għalina!
- San Bastjan, itlob għalina!
- Martri mhux mgħelub, itlob għalina!
- Suldat, nobbli bit-twelid u l-fama, itlob għalina!
- Gwerrier glorjuż u Martri ta’ Kristu, itlob għalina!
- Patrun u xempju tas-suldati nsara, itlob għalina!
- Iddisprezzat mid-dinja, itlob għalina!
- Rebbieħ ta’ Satana, itlob għalina!
- Konfort tal-moribondi, itlob għalina!
- Faraġ tal-batut, itlob għalina!
- Xandâr tal-kelma ta’ Alla, itlob għalina!
- Protettur u patrun ta’ pajjiżi u bliet, itlob għalina!
- San Bastjan, perfett fil-virtu’ u fl-għerf, itlob għalina!
- San Bastjan, maħbub ta’ Alla u tal-bniedmin, itlob għalina!
- San Bastjan, qalbieni fil-kelma u l-ħidma, itlob għalina!
- San Bastjan, li qawwejt lil-insara waqt it-turmenti u l-mewt, itlob għalina!
- San Bastjan, li saħħaħt lil dawk li kienu dgħajfa fil-fidi tagħhom, itlob għalina!
- San Bastjan, li tajt li-kuraġġ lid-dubbjużi biex jipperseveraw sa l-aħħar, itlob għalina!
- San Bastjan, li xegħelt bl-imħabba għal Alla, minkejja l-uġigħ li kkaġunawlek it-tiranni,itlob għalina!
- San Bastjan, imdawwar bid-dawl tas-sema, itlob għalina!
- San Bastjan, megħjun mill-anġli qaddisa, itlob għalina!
- San Bastjan, li tajt il-kliem lil imbikkma, itlob għalina!
- San Bastjan, li biex tiddefendi l-verita’, ġejt ferut bil-vleġġeġ, itlob għalina!
- San Bastjan, li ingħatajt għal mewt mall-kotra, itlob għalina!
- San Bastjan, li ġejt ikkurunat bil-glorja eternal, itlob għalina!
- San Bastjan, interċessur kbir għalina quddiem Alla, itlob għalina!
- San Bastjan, mogħni bis-setgħa minn Alla biex tegħleb il-pesta u kull xorta ta’ mard li jittieħed, itlob għalina!
- Ħaruf ta’ Alla, li tneħħi id-dnubiet tad-dinja: Eħlisna nitolbuk Mulej!
- Ħaruf ta’ Alla, li tneħħi id-dnubiet tad-dinja: Ismagħna nitolbuk Mulej!
- Ħaruf ta’ Alla, li tneħħi id-dnubiet tad-dinja: ħenn għalina nitolbuk Mulej
- Kristu, ismagħna! Kristu ismagħna!
- Lord, have mercy on us!
- Christ, have mercy on us!
- Lord, have mercy on us!
- Christ hear us! Christ, graciously hear us!
- God, the Father of heaven, Have mercy on us!
- God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us!
- God, the Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us!
- Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us!
- Holy Mary, Queen of Martyrs, Pray for us.
- Saint Sebastian, Pray for us.
- Invincible Martyr, Pray for us.
- Knight, noble by birth and fame, Pray for us.
- Glorious warrior and martyr of Christ, Pray for us.
- Patron and mirror of Christian soldiers, Pray for us.
- Despiser of the world, Pray for us.
- Conqueror of Satan, Pray for us.
- Comfort of the dying, Pray for us.
- Consoler of the afflicted, Pray for us.
- Announcer of the word of God, Pray for us.
- Protector and Patron of countries and cities, Pray for us.
- Saint Sebastian, perfect in virtue and wisdom, Pray for us.
- St. Sebastian, lover of God and men, Pray for us.
- St. Sebastian, might in word and work, Pray for us.
- St. Sebastian, who didst strengthen the Christians in torments and death, Pray for us.
- St. Sebastian, who didst fortify those wavering in their faith, Pray for us.
- St. Sebastian, who didst encourage the doubting to persevere to the end, Pray for us.
- St. Sebastian, who, in flamed with love of God, didst despise the pains inflicted by the tyrant, Pray for us.
- St. Sebastian, surrounded by celestial light, Pray for us.
- St. Sebastian, instructed by the holy Angels, Pray for us.
- St. Sebastian, giving speech to the dumb, Pray for us.
- St. Sebastian, who for defending the truth was wounded by arrows, Pray for us.
- St. Sebastian, who was put to death with clubs, Pray for us.
- St. Sebastian, who was crowned with eternal glory, Pray for us.
- St. Sebastian, great intercessor for us with God, Pray for us.
- St. Sebastian, endowed with power from God to avert pestilence and all contagious diseases, Pray for us.
- Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world: Spare us, O Lord!
- Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world: Graciously hear us, O Lord!
- Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world: Have mercy on us, O Lord!
- Christ, hear us! Christ, graciously hear us!